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Archive for the ‘Online Marketing’ Category

Website Content Writing – All you Need to Know

Tuesday, April 17th, 2018
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Whether you are a small or medium sized biz or some micro entrepreneur getting ready to fly in the big wide web world, the first impression you make to your customer besides your visiting card is your website presence. So when it comes to web presence management as a new entrepreneur we are not aware of the internet world advertising and marketing and hence we need to find a web presence management company prima facie so that the company can handle your web presence in the way it needs to be.
Now, most of the small and medium sized businesses come to web presence management agencies and want their work to be done yesterday and not tomorrow. Their main focus is going live in the market and get business. But, little do the businesses understand that the creating copy or content for the website is like laying your marketing foundation and one of the brand identity cornerstone. Many of us are not aware what brand identity or synchronisation of advertising and marketing collateral’s even means. Here’s a run through a few tips to help you understand how content creation for a website is one of the most important processes of a business and need a keen eye from the businesses end.

website content writing

The Right Brief – First know your business from root to fruit. Then create a brief based on your understanding and include all that you think will help your product sell in the market place. Note the USP of the product, the target audience and the objective, to name a few in crystal clear way. If you are crystal clear in your mind about your mind about your product, service or business, half the battle is won. The right brief can get you the content that drives your sales.

Suitable Agency – Now that your brief is ready, you need a executor or implementer of your ideas on the digital medium. This is when you hunt for a suitable web presence management company or agency that knows its job well and can get your brand heard above the clutter. You need to shortlist a few based on your requirement and then zero in on one that suits your requirement checklist best.

Adequate Time – Every business owner wants to set its cash registers ringing in and hence there’s always a hurry in going live. But, you need to understand that it’s a business and it’s a footprint or mark that you are going to make in your prospects mind about your service, product or brand and you need to be bang on. First impressions are last impressions, holds true however cliche it may sound.

Full Proof Digital Marketing Strategy – You are bringing in your business to a place which is cluttered with umpteen other businesses of similar type and for your brand to rise above the noise, you need a full proof digital marketing strategy which is not just about making a website live but much more than than be it online or offline. If online it’s about web presence management which includes website hosting, maintenance, SEM, SEO, SMM and more offline it’s about providing timely deliveries and service. Without an action plan that backs an online strategy, success would just be a far off dream.

Website Redesign SEO – A Bird’s Eye View

Wednesday, April 11th, 2018
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Usually SEO although a common word in the digital marketing world, does not bear too much of an importance amongst the small and medium sized enterprises. It’s many a times ignorance about the advantages of SEO or at times budget. While corporate giants and biggies in market place know how to market their business in the right way due to the advisory they have small and medium sized firms sometimes hinder their growth due to unawareness of budget issues and not given digital marketing as much importance as it needs. Many don’t even look at their digital marketing needs until the website is already live and damage is done.

So, here’s some insight into digital marketing strategies and what needs to be on you checklist so when you approach a digital marketing agency for your needs atleast you are aware about your requirements.

website redesign seo

Starts with Website setup
1. The development website is set to no follow and no index
2. Carry out validation of search engine friendly URL’s and ensure they are in place

Step 2 is about Content Planning
1. Obtain the complete URL list with the help of the dyno-mapper for crawling to the existing website for the said purpose.
2. To document list the top landing pages you need to review the SEMrush or Google search console

3. Create an SEO sitemap after mapping the targeted keywords

Next Step is about Creating Content
1. You will need atleast 1000 words of content to start with
2. Write the content and then proof read it thoroughly to avoid spelling and grammatical errors
3. Content styling is also important so focus on small paragraphs with suitable titles, bullets and sub-headers
4. Then comes the meta title and description part.
5. To check if the content you created and SEO is in place double check the top landing pages for quality validation

Review Technical SEO
1. Check responsiveness of the website across all mobile devices to check if everything is working properly
2. To ensure proper outline structure in search engines and visitors review of header usage is required.
3. Check live pages for code to text ratio
4. Check alt text usage for images
5. Carry out Template coding validation to W3 standards
6. Carry of optimization of images for load times
7. For any URL changes to existing content create 301 redirects
8. Validate structured data and schema
9. Create a new sitemap (XML)

Going Live
1. On live site first remove the no index or no follow links
2. Upload the new XML site to Bing webmaster tools and google search console
3. Validate the structure as will as the flow match new website with google analytics
Well, the above mentioned checklist might just prove a simple guide to website designing using digital marketing technique.

Are you Managing Your Web Presence Properly – Know More

Wednesday, February 28th, 2018
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A business small, medium or big in size, particularly in today’s times requires powerful online presence to cut above the clutter of other business and reach out to their customers. We all know how expensive traditional advertising can get if you want to promote your business to your target audience. Also, in the times when mobile and tablets are the first screens and people want every information the need on the go, having your own website URL makes sense definitely. Now, most of the business whether small, medium sized or large do have their own web-pages and it’s very common today but many of the businesses particularly small and medium sized outfits do not know how to make the presence felt in the marketplace or rather cut above the clutter of the other thousands of similar businesses. What you need at such a time is a reliable web presence management agency or firm, who can look after all your needs around your brands or company’s web presence.

Managing Your Web Presence Properly
Here are a few tips to help you around finding a suitable web presence management agency who can get your web page at the top of the page rankings and get you enough traffic of potential customers. Before you shortlist a few web presence management agencies and brief them about your needs, you need to be clear about them yourself. First of all, web presence is not just about web designing and maintenance. It is much more than that. Web presence manage includes the following services

1. Web design and maintenance – This is the common process of creating a website page for your brand or company and updating it regularly. Usually once the webpage is made and is live, you hire the same agency or any other on an annual basis for maintenance. It also includes hosting charges and more.

2. Search Engine Optimization – An important part of digital marketing search engine optimization is carried out in order to take your web-page to the first page, eventually to the top in the list of searched pages for a targeted keyword. It is an important part of web presence management, many are unaware off or giving is not importance at all.

3. Search Engine Marketing – Search engine marketing is used to take your page to the top of the top ranked web pages, obviously by paying for it. PPC or pay per click ads are an apt example of search engine marketing techniques.

4. Social Media Optimization – Social media optimization is all about creating a brand presence and boosting it on social marketing websites like facebook twitter linkedin and more. It also makes use of blogs and forums pertaining to your business and target audience. This enhance brand loyalty as well.

5. Social Media Marketing – Social media marketing is about getting traffic to your webpage using paid advertising tool like facebook ads and more. As compared to traditional forms of advertising online advertising through social media is cheap and gives good ROI as well.

Many of us who are in SME or Medium one, do have our own web page and blog sometimes but what we are not quite aware or clear about is how web presence management can take our business northward. So, while choosing a web design firm do consider that it is not about one time design of your website but more about continuous brand building and sales as well.

Well, keep this in mind and choose a web presence management company that can make your business grow using their digital marketing arsenal.

SEO Strategies To Ensure High SERP Rankings

Wednesday, October 25th, 2017
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Search Engine Optimization is one internet based strategy that can help you remain on the top in the SERP rankings thus increasing your changes of being clicked. But, for getting to the top you need to create a strong user experience. The website experience or page experience has to have the ability to engage the user and hold the user there for as long as needed.
Here are a few tips on improving your SEO strategies for best SERP ranks.

SEO Strategies To Ensure High SERP Rankings

Content is King
First and foremost, you need to create content that is attracting and engaging enough for the user as well as the search engines thus increasing readability and crawlability as well. To ensure that you need to know your target audience and their requirements in terms of content in and out. You may do your groundwork and research and list out topics that are most popular and in demand and write engaging content about those topics. Alternatively if yours is a brand, service or product, you need to write about it in a way that attracts the user to read further. They review your website on a regular basis to check for the most popular on site topics. Keep expanding your niche area and create content that is useful to your visitors. This will surely encourage visitors to visit and stay on your webpage.

Speedy Page loads
Ensure that your page loading time is minimum and your page loads fast enough to hold your visitors attention span. Slow page loads will result in losing potential visitors. To do this you may avoid use of heavy image files, and non required scripts. Do test your page loading speeds before you go live with it.

Eliminate Error Pages
Error pages are again a hindrance to audience engagement and retention. So, ensure that you eliminate all the error page on your website for an enhanced user experience.

Eliminate Duplicate Content
Duplication is again harmful not only when its about visitor engagement or retention but for website longetivity online as well. If there is continuous duplication from some other website, your quality of website will keep going down and eventually the crawlers might even investigate the original source and block your website as the content is being continuously copied.

Fix broken Links
Ensure that all the links on your website are intact. Test your website for broken links fix all of the links that are broken.

Navigation friendly site
Ensure that your website navigation is user friendly and user can simply glide along from page to page, link to link. This will enhance user experience and increase on page retention. To do this you need to take care of link page design, menu structure, link structure and if not properly done, do it in the correct way.

Smart Back linking
Get back-links from websites that offer content relevant to you page, service or product. This will certainly go a long way in increasing your visibility online. Even high domain authority does not ensure equal link juice value, so its wise to focus on getting relevant links from good websites related to you. This will also increase your websites credibility as compared to back linking with irrelevant websites. Having said that, know for sure that this isn’t an easy job but rest assured end results with blow your mind away and help you get to the top spots in SERP rankings besides flocked visitors.

know more about Professional SEO Service

What is Digital Marketing ?

Monday, July 11th, 2016
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All you need to know about digital marketing. Also find brief information on what does digital marketing agency do and digital marketing strategy.

What is Digital Marketing ? Digital Marketing is all about marketing through digital channels of communication. Yes, it about internet marketing and also about marketing through vehicles like text messaging, mobile apps, digital television, electronic billboards and more. Unlike traditional marketing, you can analyze every marketing campaign you do, in real time. Besides, it is a very inexpensive medium as compared to traditional mediums like television and newspaper.  As a result, every brand or business, be it a start up or a biggie, wants to take optimum advantage of this medium. The flip side being, because it is cheaper than other media, this makes it available for every business. So, it adds to the noise above which you need to arise.

With the world going mobile, digital marketing has taken a front seat when it comes to marketing anywhere, anytime. There is a clutter of brands in the market and to rise above the noise, you need to reach your target audience with personalized stuff one on one, on various communication channels like pc, laptop, tab or to their pockets through mobile phones. This is when digital marketing comes into picture.

For creating an effective digital marketing strategy you need either an inhouse expert team of digital marketers or a reputed digital marketing agency that knows how to make your brand work for you online. A digital marketing strategy involves crafting an effective marketing mix that includes digital marketing techniques like email marketing, social media marketing, search engine marketing and SMS marketing for lead generation, sales, customer loyalty and retention.

what is digital marketing

Digital Marketing – The Edge

Cost Effective
As mentioned before, this is one marketing medium that is affordable to one and all. Be it Banners, content marketing or SEO, digital marketing is way to cost effective as compared to traditional forms of marketing. This is an advantage in a way but disadvantage too because being cost effective gives it more audience, which means more clutter to be cut to reach your target audience.

One-on One Reach
Digital Marketing is interactive and not one way. With digital marketing you can engage the audience and generate leads. Unlike one way marketing and advertising medium, this is one of the many vital benefits provided by Digital marketing. This remains true more so because with the world going mobile, reaching the pockets of your target audience is very important and digital marketing helps you do exactly that.

Quick Start
Unlike a traditional campaign that requires a lot of procedures to be followed before the campaign is finally up and running, Digital marketing can be up in minimum time. Simply touch-base a digital marketing agency and start your campaign swiftly.

It’s revolutionizing because, this is one form of marketing which is measurable. You can easily find out who, when and where has viewed your ad campaign and even the conversion anlaytics and tracking can be easily managed.

Revise and Re-run
Modifying the campaign to get desirable results is one of the most vital benefits of Digital marketing. Analyse your campaign once its up and working and make the necessary changes, update it and re-run it to increase it effectiveness.

It is estimated that over 25 billion gadgets would be interlinked in a online ecosystem globally by the year 2020. Well, considering the reach, internet of things is one place to be then, obviously so. Digital Marketing is there is be too and so as a small, medium or large business / Brand, you need to be on it. It’s the need of the hour.

Mastering Mobile SEO in the year 2014

Friday, February 14th, 2014
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Mobile Search Engine Optimization employs a technique which is marked different from the desktop version. With the rise of smart phones good mobile content is being available worldwide. To develop proper mobile SEO, it is important to separate the good content from the bad. The various pointers to note while developing good mobile SEO content are as follows.

Mobile SEO

1)      The pages on which mobile content has to be optimized have to be accurate. The more dependable the page, the better the mobile SEO. Videos and images should be clicked properly before loading and the same to be placed at the right page instead of the home page every time.  It is important that Error 404 or unavailable content should be avoided. Make sure that  interstitial or ads should be avoided.

2)      Options for mobile SEO-

a)      Responsive-The design for mobile SEO should be responsive. Responsive means that there is only one URL for the users to interact with be it the mobile or the desktop version. This approach reduces the number of errors.

b)      Dynamic serving-The code for the desktop as well as the mobile device has to be different. The URL is kept same. The site needs to be minimalist and should be intuitive.

c)       It is recommended to have separate code and URLs for unique mobile features.

3)      The audience has to be known- the search queries differ when we search on desktop or mobile. Hence Google’s Hummingbird algorithm. The mobile screen is small and screen size optimization discourages large volumes of text.

4)      Voice searches-We should include indicators of geographical content and voice searches questions should be addressed while building an optimized site for mobile.

5)      Time-We have to provide quick answers to queries and the website functionality has to be quick with load times of less than a second.


To conclude New capabilities of mobile should be used by offering instant store locators and scannable coupons for brand new promotions. Mobile SEO is a relative new field and requires much effort when it comes to setting new vistas of improvement. The scope is immense and the targets lofty. Together we can make it happen.

How does the Google Hummingbird algorithm update impact links?

Thursday, November 28th, 2013
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All about Google search algorithm

We all must be familiar with the term search algorithm. But what is it exactly?

Humming Bird algorithem

Humming Bird


The search algorithm is the term coined to refer to an algorithm that assists in finding an item with the specified properties from a group of other items. Now, the new Google search algorithm is named as “Hummingbird” which Google claims come out with better search results and the name says it all “precise and fast”.

Does Hummingbird have major impacts on links? Is there any possibility to lose traffic to your site?

Quality content with sturdy back links. Does it play the trick?

You might have a pretty great site with striking content or even the best answers to what the user requires but what if Google answers the question directly? Perhaps the user will not even get to reach your site as what is displayed is the answer provided by Google.

Now does that mean an absolute revision on the content of your site?

Before you rush to edit all the content in the Question Answer format, Halt!  Sort out the pages in your website that gives answers to certain questions and then check out for any editing that demands for the redraft, after which you can send apparent semantic Q/A signals within HTML.

At the same time, avoid revision of the lot into the Q/A format in the urge to seek links for your website content. Only those contents that requires absolute change has to be reworked and edited accordingly.

Authorship and Quality combination pleases Hummingbird

Hummingbird algorithm focuses primarily on those websites with relevant and natural links. Make sure that the quality is up to the mark in order to provide the best information to the users. Maintaining the authorship plays a key part with hummingbird.

Efficient utilization of Google Properties

Firstly, attain an idea of those places where you can publish your links. Numerous Google Properties are available for content distribution. In order to obtain better SERP results, you need to make use of these properties effectively.

Do you doubt that Hummingbird and your website relation are in jeopardy?

For those who are worried about losing the traffic to their website, if you haven’t so far, then you are on a safe side. While for those who experience the opposite, Google explains that it can be due to other parts of the algorithm and not really the Hummingbird effect.


Google Penguin 4 Update Aims at Fighting the Spammers

Monday, May 27th, 2013
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Google-penguin 4-wonesty

Google-penguin 4-wonesty

Google’s “Penguin Updates” basically focus at fighting the spammers and increase the quality of the Google search and web content. Now, Google has launched Penguin 4 with a twist, keeping Penguin 2.0 technology in its operational method, which is an innovative step in putting a stop to spam.  This Penguin update is designed as a major update that is meant to go deeper than original Penguin update and is going to impact the SEOs and webmaster in a big way than the original update. The update launch is now completed including the ones for non- English languages. The languages with an increased rate of web spam are going to get affected and the impact of the new penguin updates is going to vary, according to the languages.


Tips How trendy Technology Has revolutionized small Business ?

Wednesday, May 15th, 2013
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The impact of recent technology on tiny business cannot be denied at any value. Technology helps each tiny business in its operations on an everyday basis. From laptops to printers, Web-based applications, online file storage trendy technology has revolutionized tiny business in varied industries. Technology will have an effect on tiny business in each positive and negative ways in which reckoning on the goals of the business, the product chosen to be used and therefore the manner entrepreneurs also as workers adapt to a brand new system.

Let us verify a number of ways in which tiny business makes use of contemporary technology in their operations:


Successful Internet Marketing in 2013

Friday, May 10th, 2013
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The term internet marketing is the latest buzzword – but what requirements must be met for successful online marketing? The decisive factor is not only the strategy and planning phase, but also the observation of the campaign history. A company’s success today depends more and more on the online marketing. You may achieve it by availing professional SEO services of any SEO firm. A website is not just a business card, but an important element in the communication strategy of many companies.

“I’m visible and thereby successfully!”, the motto of the current discussion. Worldwide, there are about 460 million domains, making the online presence of a company facing many competing pages. A website acts not only as a means of communication, but must be actively marketed.
